Following our extensive canvassing and research we know now that this election is on a knife edge and too close to call so every single vote will count!
I know from meeting residents that many Labour and Green voters are supporting me to win this time to beat the unknown Conservative candidate. We all know the Conservatives only appear at election time and promise everything but always fail to deliver.
I live in the heart of the LINDLEY ward, and I work hard to make our area CLEANER with regular litter picks, I have setup and supported litter picking groups.
I and the Liberal Democrat team are working hard make our area GREENER with EV charging points, Air Quality Monitors, promoting Active Travel, Anti-idling & Better Recycling campaigns.
I work hard to make our area SAFER by working closely with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Community Safety to tackle ASB and supporting Community Groups.
I work hard and keep in touch all year round, fighting for Cleaner, Greener, Safer Communities and always putting people before politics.
Only the Lib Dems can beat the Conservatives here, Labour always come in a distant third. The Greens barely register here.
Don’t let the Tories take you for granted. Let’s send them a message that they can’t ignore.
Vote Cahal Burke – Lib Dem on May 5th.