Cllr Burke dissapointed with housing decision

I feel this is the final nail in the coffin for Lindley Moor and this will come as a real disappointment to the residents that fought long and hard against this development particularly the Lindley Moor Action Group who will be most disheartened to here this news. Until the 106 agreement was signed I had the hope that something may happen and it wouldn’t actually go ahead, but sadly this is not to be. It shows how decisions made by local councils can have far reaching consequences for its residents that will really impact on their lives.

As I have said before this will have a serious impact on local schools, highways and air quality issues which the council ignored at the time and are now having to answer difficult questions about. Labour put Lindley Moor into the Unitary Development Plan supported the development and voted for it so we have them to thank! I understand that this planning decision has been referred to the Ombudsman and while the decision cannot be overturned I have no doubt that it will be recognised that there were procedural issues with how the planning committee came to its decision and this will provide learning for the future and highlight the failings in this unfair decision (Regretfully too late for Lindley Moor). Hopefully the future will bring more local decision making where residents can have a real voice and influence on what happens in their local area…

It is vitally important that the 106 agreement money is retained in the ward where the development is taking place, also that the council receives all of the money agreed, which has not happened in the past.


  1. Robert Baldwin says:

    Please advise which parties voted FOR the housing & Data development at Lindley Moor, I want to make sure which parties voted for it in order for me to ensure my vote on Thurs goes to the parties who opposed the development

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