Cllr Cahal Burke, fighting for the Grimescar Valley

Cllr Cahal Burke, fighting for the Grimescar Valley

Lib Dem councillors had a ‘sound’ researched plan to put forward which rejected the proposal for development (Greenbelt and POL) in the Grimescar Valley on the grounds that it is of particular environmental value to many residents in Huddersfield and because that part of the town has already had significant numbers of new homes with several hundred more in the pipeline. We listened carefully to local residents and acted.

Labour and the Conservatives did not have a plan to prevent all development on Grimescar Valley!

Out of the three Lindley ward councillors, two attended the meeting Cllr Christine Stanfield and Cllr Cahal Burke who also spoke against development on Grimescar Valley.

The conservative plan was weak and was intended to make headlines and nothing else. Led by a disillusioned Colne Valley M.P. who tried to fool everyone about empty homes, this myth was quashed. The same M.P. had previously stated we didn’t need a plan! He also did not turn up to the meeting but found the time when there was a photo opportunity at the weekend! Nothing new there…

After 13 hours we voted for a plan which included the possibility to remove the provisional open land because the other proposals would not have given the opportunity to do this. The conservatives did not vote to save the provisional open land despite stating that they were against development on Grimescar Valley. As a result of the deal that was done, 4 groups will be sorting out the next and crucial stage of which sites should be developed. The Tories will not be part of that.

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