Much needed work is nearing completion on Baker Street, Lindley.
The works should be completed by next week, weather permitting from its junction with Acre Street to its junction with Gibson Street, the existing unmade street will be resurfaced with bitumen macadam and traffic calming measures will be put in place. Baker Street will also benefit from improved drainage.
I am very pleased that Kirklees Council has managed to secure this money to carry out the much needed repair works. I used to live on Baker Street myself and I envisage that those travelling along Baker Street will hopefully see massive benefits.
The works have been deemed necessary by Kirklees Council on a priority basis and the scheme costing approximately £30,000 has been funded out of the Highways budget.
Most roads are maintained by the Council at the public’s expense. However there are some streets called private streets (also known as unadopted roads) that are not the responsibility of the council even though the public may well have a right to use.