Seasons, a non-profit community group based in Oakes, Lindley Ward, re-launched its Community Centre Café after carrying out renovations funded via a £2000 grant from Huddersfield Area Committee. Th…e Seasons Community Centre is based in the old caretakers building on Willwood Avenue, next to the local Reinwood Schools.
In addition to the café, which will be open to the public every Friday morning during term time, the Community Centre also offers after school clubs, educational courses for parents, meeting room and event space, “Knit n Natter” and surgeries with the local police.
Local Councillor Cahal Burke, who helped Seasons secure the renovation funding, was at the launch event. Cllr Cahal Burke (Lindley – Lib Dem) said:
“Local Community Centres like Seasons are important because they provide a place where people can access resources, learn new skills and make connections with other people living in the area. The Community Café will provide a place where local residents know they can come each week and be certain of a warm welcome and friendly chat. Social isolation is terrible problem for people of all ages and I fully support more communities starting up similar initiatives in their own areas. A thriving community centre can really make a difference to people’s lives and I fully support the work Seasons are doing in the Reinwood area, I am certain they will go from strength to strength.”See more