In an effort to better represent the needs and interests of all residents, I hold a residents advice surgery with Cllr Anthony Smith and Cllr Ashleigh Robinson every month.

Whether in the Lindley ward or in Kirklees, our work is guided by the needs and priorities of all our residents.

If you need to speak to us about an issue affecting you or the local area, feel free to get in touch or attend a residents’ surgery, no appointment necessary!

9:30am – 10:30am
(Lindley Library)


11am – 12pm
(Salendine Nook Shopping Centre with the Neighbourhood Policing Team)

If you are unable to attend, please contact us using the details below.

Cllr Cahal Burke
Phone: 07976497980
X: @CahalBurke
Facebook: /CahalBurke
Instagram: Cahal Burke

Cllr Anthony Smith
Phone: 07854146595
X: @ajsmith_libdem
Facebook: /ajsmith.lindley

Cllr Ashleigh Robinson
Phone: 07773242853
X: @Ashleigh0291
Facebook: ashleigh_robinson.lindley

#Lindley #LibDems

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