Cllr Burke campaigning for better road safety

Cllr Burke campaigning for better road safety

We are working with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Highways and Enforcement to take action against speeding and parking issues in our area.

We believe that 20mph zones make sense in residential areas and near our schools.

They save lives
Reduce congestion
Reduce emissions
Encourage cycling and walking

We want a community where people are free to travel in ways that are safe, sustainable, healthy and fair. Unfortunately, in many places inappropriate speed limits where people live, work and play make movement dangerous, particularly for cyclists and pedestrians, including children and the elderly.

We have made some improvements and will continue to work with residents and relevant partners.

We will get the information required related to volumes and speeds of traffic from the Speed Indicator Devices and take action.

Road Safety is important to us and we know there is so much more to do.

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