22nd May - Vote Burke

22nd May – Vote Burke

The Kirklees local elections will take place on Thursday 22nd May 2014. I am standing again and I am looking for your vote so that I can continue working hard for our area.

I am fighting to keep Accident and Emergency services at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. I know many of you have signed our petition to keep A&E and I thank you for that support.

Many of you have told me that you are particularly saddened that the Lindley Conservatives cut funding for our community events, like the Lindley carnival, Lindley 10k and Lindley Fun Run. They also voted against a much needed new school for our area which I have been campaigning for.

Locally the Conservative Councillors have recently given the go ahead for building on Lindley Moor.

They did this by abstaining in a crucial vote, as a result more green fields will be lost and more HGV lorries will be on local roads. I campaigned with local groups and residents against this proposal as I have done for all proposals to build on our green fields – our area simply cannot cope with such over development.

Many Labour voters have told me that they are switching to me this time to help Keep A&E at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. They realise Labour can’t win here, and that by voting Labour they get a Conservative instead.

Please get in touch if you can help with the re-election campaign.




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