Location :- Road closures – Longwood Gate/Thornhill Road, Longwood
j/o Dodlee Lane to j/o Ballroyd Clough
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order has been raised for the above location.
a) Attached a copy plan indicating the extent of the restriction and the diversionary route. (Click on image above)
b) Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
c) Vehicular traffic will have access to the points of the restriction.
d) The diversionary route will be:- Greenhill Road, Gilead Road, Raw Nook Road, A640 New Hey Road, Tanyard Road, Oakes Road South, Quarmby Road, Longwood Road, Vicarage Road and vice versa.
e) The Order to start from 13 September 2011 for the approximate period of 2 weeks.
This Order is required to carry out carriageway patching and resurfacing.
If you would like any further information, please contact Graham Dean on (01484) 414856 or email to graham.dean@kirklees.gov.uk.