Residents interested in getting involved in the running of Lindley Library are being asked to attend one of two public meetings taking place at the end of January.
At the meeting residents will discuss and agree plans for the future of the village Library as well as having the opportunity to put their names down as a Library Volunteer.
Arranged by Cllr Cahal Burke (Lib Dem, Lindley) and Library staff, the meetings are being held at the Library on Lidget Street as follows:
– Monday 26 January (14.00-15.00)
– Thursday 29 January (19.45-20.45)
The meetings will be attended the Library’s local Area Manager Kathryn Harrison and Cllr Cahal Burke.
Attendees will also have the chance to ask questions about the twelve week library consultation that Kirklees launched on the 19th January.
The future of all Libraries across Kirklees is currently uncertain as the Council is yet to decide how it will cope with budget reductions. The Council is considering three options for the future of local libraries including: Town Libraries, Community Supported and Community Run, with the possibility of book-drops in some locations.
The Council began a twelve week public consultation concerning the proposals on the 19th January 2015. More details about the proposed models are available on the library website and can be accessed via
Cllr Cahal Burke (Lib Dem, Lindley) said:
“Lindley Library plays a really important role within the village and the ward and residents are 100% behind it being retained. We had a great turn out in September when we held the first meeting and it is vital that everyone interested makes time to attend again. We have made certain to hold both a daytime and an evening meeting so that everyone has a chance to come along and get involved. Lindley Library is among the best used libraries in the whole of Kirklees and must remain open. It is not only a place to borrow books, it provides access to IT facilities; the internet; council services; advice, information and support as well as being the base for many community activities. It also provides people who are socially isolated with a place to go and meet with others. People of all ages use the library and its loss would be felt by all residents. As a community we need to be creative and flexible in our planning for the future and the more people we have involved in that process the better. I know that the people of Lindley have the skills, experience and energy we need to make certain Lindley Library remains at the heart of our community for many years to come and as such I am confident both of an excellent turn out and a committed and determined response from local people.”
Residents can also drop in and see the Libraries Manager to discuss the Libraries Consultation at Lindley Library on Thursday 5th February between 14.00-16.00pm.